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Gyro Courses Suspended

It is with great regret that I must inform you Tony Melody passed away on Sunday 9th June 2024

RIP Tony Melody

Consequentially, all Gyroplane courses are suspended. Refunds will be available to anyone who has either paid in full or paid a deposit for Gyrocopter training can call for a refund or wait for further news.

Tony was more than just a great Gyrocopter Trainer/Examiner/Engineer. He was a great friend. Not just to staff at Anderson Aviation but to all who got to know him.

If you knew Tony and want to either attend his funeral in person or virtually, the details are below:

Lodge Brothers – Tony Melody (

Our commitment to you:

Please rest assured that we remain absolutely committed to everyone who has expressed interest in our training and we will do everything we can to get you back on track as soon as possible. Obviously we are well into the “flying season“ in the UK now but Charles is working in Asia on what sounds like a fascinating project with Satoshi Nakamoto (the Bitcoin and Blockchain Inventor !). He is back in July when training will recommence. Anyone who chose not to request refunds for training vouchers purchased before Sars 2 will receive an additional 10% training credit. Please call for details.

Thank you so much for your help Charles you have been the best! Your advice was inspiring and very much appreciated. As no one is going to be doing anything at all until March I am happy to wait and pick up where we left off with the course planning.

John Greenwood, London.

I am always available to give advice to people either considering taking up flying for fun or on a professional basis and even though we are not working at present I am still happy to advise on a suitable training pathway.

The same applies to individuals or companies who are considering taking one of the ongoing charter flight packages. Obviously these did not commence as originally planned and there are now Further complications with what jets and what products will be available. However we are happy to look at any individual case and advise appropriately.

  • Beginners
  • Overseas students
  • Higher education
  • Hobbyists
  • Time Builders
  • AB Initio
  • Commercial Pilots
  • Type Rating Add-on

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